Gardens at Mount Holly

To be a place set aside for the dead, Mount Holly certainly has an abundance of life.

Not many public places can rival the elegant beauty of Mount Holly Cemetery. Simultaneously glorious and serene, the gardens boast stately trees, flowering shrubs, annuals, and perennials. Around the perimeter of the cemetery, gorgeous New Dawn roses sweep over the wrought iron fences to the native stone walls below.

Pocket gardens in urns, cradles, and individual lots create living detail everywhere. Heirloom roses and flowering shrubs give Mount Holly a sense of age and permanence.

Mount Holly’s tiny permanent staff of two full-time staff members and one part-time employee work hard, but could never maintain all the grounds alone – at least, not if the gardens were to retain their current magnificence. Mount Holly is grateful to the Pulaski County Master Gardeners, who make the cemetery one of their special projects.

Visit Mount Holly and see the gardens for yourself. Book a tour of Mount Holly’s trees and other flora by contacting us at

Master Gardeners Early Spring Work Day at Mount Holly
Gardens at Mount Holly