Annual Spring Picnic

On the last Sunday of every April, the supporters and friends of Mount Holly gather in the cemetery from 5-7 p.m. for a picnic and entertainment. Funds raised at the picnic help maintain the cemetery as a beautiful historic landmark.

Because of concerns about the coronavirus, the 2020 Spring Picnic was canceled and the 2021 Spring Picnic was limited to a drive-through experience. Since 2022, we have hosted the picnic without the silent auction on the grounds with a fall-back option of a drive-through picnic in case of rain or another deadly surge of Covid-19 cases.

We thank our sponsors for fundraising success!

The festivities include:

  • Appetizers
  • Dinner
  • Wine
  • Turn of the century picnic “delicacies”
  • Live music

Guests will have the opportunity to have self-guided tours of the cemetery.

Gallery of the Spring Picnic over the years